一、BAD50-100隔爆型防爆燈使用范圍 ,A, BAD50-100 series flameproof explosion-proof lamp use scope
1.爆炸性氣體環境危險場所:1區、2區;1. The explosive gases dangerous places: district 1, 2 division, 2.可燃性氣體、蒸氣級別:ⅡA、ⅡB;2. Combustible gas, steam levels: Ⅱ A and B; Ⅱ 3.溫度組別:T1~T4;3. Temperature classes: T1 ~ T4; 4.可配裝白熾燈; It can be equipped with incandescent lamp; 4. 5.戶內、戶外(IP54,可按用戶要求達到IP65)。5. Indoor and outdoor (IP54, user requirements can be reached IP65).
二、BAD50-100隔爆型防爆燈性能特點 Second, BAD50-100 series flameproof explosion-proof lamp performance characteristics 1.鑄鋁合金外殼,表面噴塑;1. Diecasted al-alloy shell with plastic-sprayed surface, 2.壓鑄成形,結構緊湊,外形美觀;2. Whole-coasting, compact structure, beautiful appearance, 3.殼上設有散熱片,散熱效果好;3. Housing has good effect, heat sink, 4.燈蓋與燈體采用螺釘聯接,松開螺燈,旋轉燈體,可快速開蓋;4. Lamp cover and the light body adopts screw connection, loosen the screw lamp, rotate the light body, can quickly open lid, 5.鋼管或電纜布線;5. Steel tube or cable wiring, 6.鎮流器,吊燈盒由用戶選配。6. Ballast, droplight box from user's choice. 7.符合GB3836-2000、IEC60079, GB12476.1-2000,IEC61241標準要求。7. GB3836-2000, accord with IEC60079, GB12476.1-2000, IEC61241 standard requirement.
三、BAD50隔爆型防爆燈光源種類 功率 進線口螺紋/電纜外徑Third, BAD51 flameproof explosion-proof light source type power the inlet thread/cable diameter B:白熾燈 200W B: incandescent lamp; 2million Z:自鎮汞 12W5,160W Z: from town 12W5, 160W mercury G:外鎮汞燈 125W G: outside the town 125W mercury N:高壓鈉燈 70,100, 110 G3/4/Φ10~Φ15 N: high-pressure sodium lamp 70,100, 110 G3/4 / Φ 10 ~ 15 Φ NZ:中顯色鈉燈 70,100, 110 NZ: in 70,100 colour-display sodium lamp, 110 NG:高顯色鈉燈 70,100, 110 NG: high colour-display sodium lamp 70,100, 110 L:金屬鹵燈 100, 150 L: metal halogen lamp 100, 150 防護等級 防爆標志 防腐等級 燈頭型號 電壓(V) 質量(kg) Protection grade explosion-proof logo corrosion-proof grade lamp holder (V) quality model voltage (kg) IP54 Exd Ⅱ BT4 WF1,WF2 E27 AC220 3.5 ⅡBT4 WF1 IP54 Exd,WF2 E27 AC220 3.5分
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