.爆炸性氣體混合物危險場所;1區 2區
.爆炸性氣體混合物;IIA IIB IIC級
.爆炸性粉塵混合物危險場所;21區 22區
.戶內 戶外
For the dangreous sites with explosive air mixture: 1division 2division
Flammable gas,steam class:ⅡA ⅡB ⅡC
Gas,steam temperature classificaion:T1-T5
For the dangerous sites with explosive duct mixture: 21division 22 division
Dust Temperature classification:T1-T4
Indoor and outdoor(IP55,IP65)
■型號含義 □Model Meaning
■結構特點 .外殼由不銹鋼沖壓成形外形美觀光亮 .聚碳酸脂透明罩 .照明 應急兩用燈 .鋼管或電纜布線 .具有強度高 耐沖擊 防爆 防塵 防腐蝕等優點 .適合應用海洋采油平臺 □Features; 。The shell becomes shape from the stamping of stainless steel 。Polycarbonate transparent cover 。Double function for lighting and emergency 。Steel tube or cable wiring 。With the merit of high strength stamping resistance explosion-proof dust-proof corrosion protection etc 。Apply for sea petroleum production terrace ■主要技術數據 □Main Technical Parameters