●Pilot to open check valves are non modulating on/off valves used for load locking only and do not provide smooth motion control.
●They allow free flow from port 2 to 1 then block reverse flow until a pilot pressure directly proportional to the load pressure is sensed at port 3 enabling a pilot a pilot piston to push the poppet off its seat.
●Pilot to open check valves are non modulating on/off valves used for load locking only and do not provide smooth motion control.
●They allow free flow from port 2 to 1 then block reverse flow until a pilot pressure directly proportional to the load pressure is sensed at port 3 enabling a pilot a pilot piston to push the poppet off its seat.
型號 Model |
閥系說明 De |
額定流量 Rated Flow |
最高壓力 Max.pressure |
重量 Weight |
CPE-063 | 提動式 Poppet type 4:5:1導壓比 4:5:1pilot ratio |
請參閱壓損曲線表 | 315bar(最大值) | 0.63:V:0.12Kg X:0.12Kg 0.93:V:0.22Kg X:0.22Kg |
選購指南/How to order:
CPE | 063 | X | 0.2 | N |
系列編號: 導開閥 Series No. pilot to open Check Valves |
閥孔型號 Cavity Size |
調整方式 Controls X-標準型 Standard Type V-附外部導壓口 With externel pilot port |
單向閥開閥壓 Cracking pressure 0.2-0.2 bar 2.0-2.5 bar |
油封材質 Seals:N-丁腈橡膠 Buna N. V-氟橡膠 Viton. |